Here you will hear reviews of random gin joints, taverns, pubs & bars. There will also be opinions on some of my favorite AND least favorite potions. There may even be a story or two about some drunken escapades (at least everything that I can remember from them). Sit back, relax and down a drink.

Monday, August 23, 2010

One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor!!

In most cases, I am a beer guy. I can sit down and drink beer after beer for hours on end. I actually like the taste of beer. I enjoy checking out a new craft brew whenever the opportunity arises and, at the same time, Miller High Life and Pabst Blue Ribbon are very good friends of mine. However, I do enjoy the occasional night(or day, if the mood's right) of drinking hard alcohol. Now I'm not saying that I walk into a bar and ask for three fingers of Glen Livet, or order a shot every ten minutes. Usually, I'll stick to a Captain N' Coke or some flavored vodka and Sprite(real drinkers consume flavored vodkas, too, dammit!) Recently, though, I've really grown an affinity for the devil juice that is Tequila(which will remain capitalized throughout this rambling). I know that Tequila has a bad reputation. Whether it's because of it's connection to causing unnecessary brawls or very necessary call-outs from work, Tequila has always seemed to have a notoriety associated with it. In fact, I believe the following video pretty much sums it up:                       


However, when not added in with all of those other liquors(especially Jaeger), Tequila gets along quite well with beer. In fact, I've found that in my old age, a couple of shots of Tequila are the perfect counterpart to 10 or 12 High Lifes. Like most, I prefer to down the ultra premium stuff like Patron and Tres Generaciones, but when in a pinch, you can't go wrong with good old Jose Cuervo. Whether I get it chilled or follow up with a lime really depends on my mood at the time(bust my balls if you'd like, but in some cases you just don't want to drink warm tequila w/o a chaser). In the past, I've gone through phases where I had a favorite liquor, but usually overdid it at some point and never went back to them(again I'm pointing in Jaeger's general direction). I've been lucky enough to not have that happen with Tequila, yet(knock on the bar top).

So, although I've heard plenty of stories about Tequila causing black eyes, horrible mornings, and memory loss, I'm always happy to add it to my evenings to-do list. Obviously, I suggest some moderation, but understand that, at times, those Tequila shots will sneak some of their friends in. If you do overdo it, I hope that this is the result:

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